The Unofficial Katharine Jefferts Schori Fan Page

Shalom! This is a blog that celebrates the first woman Presiding Bishop to serve in the Episcopal Church. Here you will find news stories, photos, links, references, quotes, video and stories from people who have met her. This is not an official site and not affliated with the Episcopal Church or the presiding bishop. This page also has feed from the Church's official news site.

Episcopal News Service

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Rather Different Cameo Appearance!

The irreverant adult cartoon "American Dad" had an episode called "Seasons Beatings" in which the lead character played Santa in the church (an Episcopal church, by the way) Christmas  play and beat his archrival, the man who played Jesus. The news picks it up, church leaders from around the world call each other about it and ban him from all  Christianity. Amongst the leaders was our PB, along with the Pope and some Methodist leaders. You can't see here but she also has a name plate that says "Bishop Schori". Well, it should have said Jefferts Schori, but close enough! Love the shield placements!!


  1. Does the Rt. Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori have an official personalized Coat of Arms representing her position as Primate of the Episcopal Church of the USA? I've been unable to locate one for online.

  2. I am not aware of a personal coat of arms (like the Pope has), the closest thing to that would be the Seal of The Office of The Presiding Bishop, but that's a seal all the PB's use, not a seal for her personally.
